Writing a magic eight ball program

I’ve been studying up on my javascript lately. In one of the tutorials I was doing it had us build a magic eight ball program. 

I thought that was cool. So I added some spice to it to hard code in the question, “Am I going to act a fool tonight?” 

Now I have a script I can run when I feel like partying and need some insight on just how dicey the night is going to get. 

Here's the code

function myFunction() {
  let userName = 'Hogan'
  userName ? console.log(`Hello, ${userName}`) : console.log('Hello!')
  let userQuestion = 'Am I going to act a fool tonight?'
  console.log(`${userName}, you asked: ${userQuestion}`)
  let randomNumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 8);
  let eightBall = ''
  switch(randomNumber) {
    case 0:
      eightBall = 'It is certain';
    case 1:
      eightBall = 'It is decidedly so';
    case 2:
      eightBall = 'Reply hazy try again';
    case 3:
      eightBall = 'Cannot predict now';
    case 4:
      eightBall = 'Do not count on it';
    case 5:
      eightBall = 'My sources say no';
    case 6: 
      eightBall = 'Signs point to yes';
